



    While the bubbly, exciting days of the dry summer fade and get shorter. The frigid, long nights are re-appearing and staying much longer. That’s how I know fall is coming. With all the dripping grass that carries vibrant leaves like red, yellow, and orange I know what has come. Each night I observe the whistling of the wind dancing through the creeks of my window. As door bells chime, as kids scream trick-or-treat, waiting for all the valuable times to appear.
 School is starting. When I wake -up to see the sun rising, what a sight. Strolling in the cold, crisp air while my nose and cheeks start to turn rosy pink. When I get home I make myself some thick, scorching hot cocoa. “Cough, Cough”. There’s another person getting sick with the fall chill.
 Thanksgiving is here. We gather to have a feast. The food tickles your tongue, as the flavor trickles down my throat. Fresh apple crumble with a giant scoop of delicious vanilla bean ice-cream. These are the reasons I love fall.

The Great Escape
                There was a frail ant names
Kitty Purry. She was Katy Perry’s pet ant. Have you ever heard of an ant that’s
3ft. tall and 1ft. wide?  Well that’s Kitty Purry. She is the largest ant in the
whole world. Katy Perry keeps Kitty Purry in a chained cage because she desires
that Kitty Purry was a cat. One day that cage was open; it was Kitty Purry’s
chance to escape. She stretched her long wispy legs out the cage. Her mood
changed. She used to be really lonely. When Kitty Purry stepped out of the cage
she felt like a new ant. “Vroom”. Kitty Purry was outside for the first time in
3 years. There were a whole bunch of tiny ants scattering away from Kitty Purry
because she was so large! But she didn’t care; she loved seeing the trees
swaying in the wind and the sun shining in her face. Then she found herself on
sort of black concrete with yellow lines on it. “WATCH OUT”! Yelled Fred, a
friendly worm that Kitty Purry had never seen before. There was a bright light.
A big robot-looking thing (a car) was floating above her.  How could it be? She
followed the light that was holding the car, it was coming from Fred! “You could
have been hit silly”. Said Fred. Fred just tossed the car into a ditch and let
it crumble. “ Thank- you so much Fred! I’ll make sure I go home and never come
out of my cage again, without telling my owner.




    Ivan’s first reaction to Ruby was kind of surprising. He liked the thought of another elephant being at the zoo, and to make Stella joyful. I think Ivan has become annoyed with Ruby because she talks too much and asks too many questions.  Ivan said that he had forged his sleep so Ruby would not talk to him. Compared to a little baby, Ruby is nothing close to that. Usually when a new baby is born and brought home, all the other family members go to see that new baby and overfill that baby with joy and laughter. I know when my sister was born I got kind of jealous because I was used to getting all the attention. But when she came I felt like i needed some attention too. When my sister asks a lot of questions I get annoyed. Just like Ivan. I tell her to stop, but she doesn't . Then i start to ignore her and not respond to her questions.  In this case the animals are so annoyed with her they have to lie. She has affected the whole zoo. It seems like since she has been here the animals are getting worse and the zoo keepers are stressed out. Since Stella has been taken care of Ruby her foot has been getting worse because she had been staying in the same places now even more squished. I know that the zookeepers also like her in a way because she is new and she attracts new people to come spend money and stay at the zoo longer. They also have to spend extra time focusing on Ruby and making sure she’s okay and isn’t getting hurt already going into the mall. Is Ruby in the same cage as Stella? If so, how does Stella feel about that?    
       Ivan as obviously brought to the exit 8 circus, when he was very little. He didn’t even have a choice if he wanted to or not. Stuck in a box… for 27 years. He doesn’t know how to be a normal gorilla. He just watches television and draws Bananas.  Ivan doesn’t get treated very well either. He has to have 42 pounds of food to stay the normal silver back gorilla. Does he actually have 42 pounds of food though? Because from the sounds of it I don’t think he does. Having only 2 friends (Stella, and Bob) would be very difficult. Does Ivan sometimes consider the humans as his friends?  Ivan is in such a bad position that little kids can recognize it. I wonder how it would feel to have a little boy cry because he saw how bad you felt.

       If I were in Ivan’s situation I would have depression problems. I wouldn’t be able to live in that little cage. Seeing everyone walk by me and not really care. I would want to break out and run away and cry. Being a gorilla you may not be able to cry, but I would find a way to. If I had only 2 friends out of 5 billion on the planet I would be questioning the environment I was in. I think everyone has a soft spot. Maybe Ivan doesn’t have a soft spot because he is so used to the torture he is put through everyday. When I was first listening to the story I didn’t think he was treated that bad. Reading more I understood the way everyone didn’t care about him and how he felt. I can connect in a way because sometimes I can feel like I am not cared for. Ivan doesn’t even get thought of, except “The gorilla on exit 8” and all his silly nicknames. We all get called silly nicknames. 

Does Ivan know that he is related to humans?